Industrial Wastewater Training
Industrial Wastewater Training
Wednesday, March 6, 2024 (9:00 AM - 11:30 AM) (PST)
Calling all technicians of in-house WW systems! SEDCOR is excited to partner with Bill Herring to offer an industrial wastewater training to the region’s food and beverage manufacturers. Bill has over 45 years’ experience in the food and beverage manufacturing industry where he has built and managed onsite wastewater systems and led maintenance and engineering teams in facility design and equipment layout in FDA and USDA facilities.
This educational event is limited to industrial food and beverage manufacturers, specifically for those technicians that manage in-house wastewater systems. If you are a manufacturer working outside of the food and beverage space, but share similar challenges, please use the 'other' option and contact us to discuss further.
The contact person for this event is Abisha Stone who may be reached at: or by phone at: 503-507-4175.
*Any registrations received for individuals outside of the manufacturing space will be cancelled and refunded.*
Event Sponsor
626 High Street NE Room 115
Salem, OR 97301 United States