SEDCOR Membership Form 2023-24


Please complete the 2023-24 membership application form, even if you are a renewing member. If your business is already in our system, the field should suggest a matching business name as you begin to type. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at and we will do our best to find answers quickly on your behalf.

Select An Option

If you have questions about which membership category best fits your organization, please contact us directly at

Our Real Estate category includes a variety of individuals and businesses connected to the industry, including brokers, property management, developers, investors, advisors, and more.  Individuals/sole proprietors should count themselves as 1 employee for purposes of dues calculation.

If you have questions about which membership category best fits your organization, please contact us directly at

If you have questions about which membership category best fits your organization, please contact us directly at

Our 'Retail/Service' category is where a wide variety of businesses land when they don't necessarily 'fit' into the traditional traded sector categories of manufacturing/distribution/construction or agriculture/farming/food processing, or in our real estate category.  This encompasses professional service providers such as law firms, accountants, and banks, health care providers, utility providers, non-profit and trade organizations, traditional retail businesses, and more.  Individuals/sole proprietors should count themselves as 1 employee for purposes of dues calculation.

If you have questions about which membership category best fits your organization, please contact us directly at

Enter Contact Information
Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist